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Blockchain Governance is Streamlining the Way Organizations United Individuals to a Mission

Decentralized Autonomous Organizations are the future, get onboard early and contribute to their foundation.

This is Just Dao it, a newsletter about the thousands of emerging decentralized autonomous organizations and the value they are adding to the world at large.

In the past couple of years, big things have been happening with cryptocurrency and the technology behind it. New uses for the blockchain tech has been emerging left and right. The decentralized autonomous organization is one of the most successful and expanding examples.

An Uber Brief History on Dao Origins

April 30, 2016, the first Dao was born, and it started with a token sale. The Dao (actual name)sold the Dao token in exchange for Ethereum. It launched as a collectivized, ETH-based investment organization. The original Dao failed, resulting in the splitting of the Ethereum Network, but the impact it made will likely be taught in future history classes to children to mark the start of the change in the way systems are governed.

WTH Are They?

A decentralized autonomous organization (DAO) has no central authority. Instead, decisions are made by a community organized around a specific mission and governed on a blockchain. Their treasury is built-in, and interactions and decisions are proposed and voted on by its members, making them a truly democratic form of governance.

blue and white love me neon light signage

They Do What Exactly?

DAOs are created to carry out a variety of purposes such as charities, freelance networks, venture funds, grant programs, social clubs, etc. Details of their infrastructural operations like membership, governance, and tokenomics of Daos vary, but the concept is still so new and there are still kinks being solved within them. However, their value and overall success is not something to be ignored.

According to Deep Dao, there are 4834 organizations as of July 9, 2022. Though, the exact number of operating Daos is not known and practically grows daily.

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